1) First, hat tip to my friend Alex Guertin for this very cool, photo travel essay from Chernobyl.
For those of you that don't remember Chernobyl was the location of the worst nuclear disaster in human history (so far).

I have to admit that many of the photos actually give me a feeling of nostalgia for the life that I had in Eastern Europe.
2) Secondly, I'll give a shout out to my friend, Mark Kersten, for his terrific work in his blog: kerstenskolumn.wordpress.com. His latest post on "The Responsibility to Protect" , (R2P) the philosophical pondering of when does the international community have an obligation to intervene, and when does it not, is worth reading.
Kersten is currently working as Compliance and Information Coordinator for the Green Party of Canada and will be heading to the London School of Economics and Political Science next year for a Masters in IR. (If my deferral fails to go through, we may end up there together).
A new post is currently in the works (currently rolling around in the mush between my ears), I've been meaning to post on R2P for a while now, and perhaps Mark has forced my hand. I'll keep you all updated.
Thanks for the shout out Chris! Much appreciated and I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on R2P.
It's a bit of a coincidence that your shout out came on a post about Chernobyl. For years it was a huge hobby of mine to pour over the pictures from the area (especially the eerie photos of Pripyat) and read about it. I ever read historical fictions that took place there. I presented on Chernobyl in high school and then again in university. It's such an interesting topic fo so many reasons. On top of that today I was also reading about Chernobyl: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LH563278.htm
Crazy world it is. Keep up the good posts my good man!
Thanks for posting my link Chris! I had goosebumps looking at the pictures.
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