Thursday, May 1, 2008

Musings from Ottawa Citizen time...

Wow, its amazing how time flies and nothing gets done. I think that last post was in October. Its now pretty much summer, and I've graduated from journalism grad school and moved on to other things.

Right now in Ottawa working for a couple of weeks at the Citizen, (pretty good gig, they're giving me assignments and treating me like a pro), staying with cousin Ali and getting the feel for the town for when I come back in the fall with Laura.

Kinda tired and a bit overworked but its nothing compared to the army training I'll be going through in a couple of weeks so I can't complain.

Bed time now, but I hope to write more before I go off the Gagetown (AKA the Siberian gulag) whereupon I will lose contact with the real world for 12 weeks.